Rett and Taylor talk about their workflows, especially when they aren’t home. Taylor started fostering a kitty and got an Air Conditioner! Life upgrade! They discuss procedural generation for the brick breaker game, Virtual Reality, and their friendship.
Shoutout to ToniestTony for being cool on Rockzom’s Stream.
Rett and Taylor discuss motivation and a break through they made this week. They worked on a World War II sidescroller game together and Taylor crushed some bricks making his very own brick breaker game. They talk about his experience streaming and bug hunting, as well as Rett’s love of Shadow of The Colossus and The Last Guardian, and Taylor’s love of Age of Empires.
Shoutout to rockzom, manbeardgames, and AuroraCaelestis for hanging out on stream!
Taylor challenged Rett to do an hour of Gamedev twice this week and Rett challenged Taylor to think of ways to use his pixel art in games.
Taylor and Rett are back with a packed week! This episode was recorded in 4 separate segments. On August 4th, in preparation for the Enjoy Game Dev Conference, they hosted the One-Mechanic-Game Jam, or OMGJam. They dissect their entry, then play and discuss the other entries.
Enjoy Game Dev was hosted on August 5th and was a fantastic time all around. All speakers were great. It was very motivational, informational, and most of all a fun time! Taylor took detailed notes, so make sure to look at the links below for everything that happened this week.
Rett saw Wonder Woman, so naturally Taylor and him talk about Hand Maid’s Tale…. and movies. The DC film universe is discussed. Which leads to story and narrative driven art. They share their favorite Pixar shorts. And their favorite story driven video games.
Another shout out to Rockzom for chilling (this episode was recorded way before he was on our show!) and to PixelPileDriver for giving some great pixel art tips on our live stream.
Major shout out to Coffee with Butterscotch a fantastic, hilarious, all around great game dev podcast on youtube AND itunes. go check it out!
This week on Friday, August 4th, we are going to be doing a one day game jam and invite and challenge everyone to participate and create their own games! It’s called the One Mechanic Game Jam. Read all about it on the link below. But the idea is to create a game using one playing mechanic. When you are done post it on and tweet us using the hashtag #OMGJam.
Taylor and Rett are back to talk about CritJuice, the best DnD play podcast. Then they briefly touch on games, Abzu, Overwatch, and Company of Heroes, the last of which was recently on sale to celebrate opening the game up to mods.
Taylor shares his blogging vision, establishing Mentor Mondays as a weekly Twitch stream. And then Rett introduces Taylor to Space Engine.
This week Rockzom comes in to help the guys hold down the podcast as a special guest host! They share stories about how they all settled on their online handles, and talk about getting into game dev, music, comedy, performing, and challenging yourself to grow and learn.
It was an absolute pleasure to have Rockzom on! He’s led an interesting life, lived boldly, and is a very talented game dev. He’s made quite the community over on twitch, so make sure you check him out and tell him you heard him on Game Dev’s Quest!
Rett and Taylor discuss using their raspberry pi’s and old school games using retro pie. They finally completed the Iceberg and it feels great. They also discuss 2D character control in Unity and share some really great resources.
Rett challenges Taylor to check out the StarFlight and the Buck Rodgers game he played on Sega Genesis, fantastic in depth sci-fi games. Must sees!
Taylor and Rett record this episode from the field, live from Capital Taproom’s Bar-VR studio! In this rare treat, Taylor and Rett record face to face to play some VR games and talk with special guest host, Jeff Soleim, about VR gaming, the future of VR, and his own VR studio set up.
Bar-VR is every Friday night at 6pm in downtown Salem, Oregon, upstairs at Capital Taproom. Give Capital Taproom a like on Facebook to get updates about Bar-VR and special Taproom events. And follow them on Instagram or Twitter to see what beers they have on tap. Or just visit for more information.
Rett and Taylor talk about retro video games and their favorite recent indies, as well as progress they made on their Japan trip. Rett describes his first experience with Virtual Reality and they discuss some cool possibilities with VR and AR.
Rett’s Challenge: Work on Brick Breaker from the Udemy Course
Taylor’s Challenge: Play classic games, set up emulator on Raspberry Pi
Rett and Taylor talk about their progress on the Iceberg game this week. They discuss some game ideas they came up with after generating 10 ideas per day. They also talk about staying inspired and becoming healthy.