This week Kane and Rett share a bit of things to look forward to in the Awesome! Internet Radio future. They open some more fan mail and open old wounds.
And Rett poses the ultimate question to the listeners.
Plus excitement over True Detective on HBO and other nerd talk.
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The brothnerds are back! This week the apologize for the absence and get right back on the horse! They discuss Grand Admiral Thrawn, season 2 of Arrow, and get lost in a conversation about Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series and Robert Jordan’s epic Wheel of Time!
Stay tuned in as Awesome! Internet Radio will be releasing new shows in the coming weeks!
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The guys get back into the swing of things after Kane suffers from a medical condition that renders his ass able to read minds! Up for discussion is a awkward doctors visit, some fan mail, and the trailer for Tusk (#walrusyes) seen at San Diego Comic-Con.
And, if anyone has the answer, let us know if sharks do indeed have souls, thus allowing them into heaven.
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Its episode ten of Duel of Taints and Kane is concerned about the way he looks and seeks Rett for comfort. They discuss why people can be so uptight sometimes. And they open up the mail bag and read some tweets from listeners.
Han Solo vs. Indiana Jones comes back into the forefront and threatens to rip Kane and Rett’s friendship to pieces.
They share about closing the curtain on a long time project, The Monster Addict. And wind things down by talking about Awesome! Internet Radio, and other podcast projects.
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This week’s edition of the NDBrothers finds our brothnerds with special guest, Tim Crosson (aka Whiteboy Slim), discussing the finer details of Arrow vs Smallville, and the many fine board games that have been eating their time.
Tim is heavily involved with and is a regular host of the Cheerful Ghost Roundtable discussion. You can see what he’s up to at or hit him up on twitter @whiteboyslim
By time it’s all over the hosts could easily be mistaken for crotchety old men. Check it out! and get at ’em
We apologize for the low audio quality of this podcast. The crew was ill prepared for a podcast on such short notice and with such conditions that made recording very difficult, this was the best we could do.
We here at Awesome! Internet Radio continue to do our best for all you great listeners who tune in every week.
This week on Duel of Taints, Kane and Rett go camping! You need to see it to believe it. It’s the ultimate in survival podcasts. Will they make it out alive… probably.
As Kane and Rett gear up for their very own bigfoot hunt, they begin to ask the important questions, “is bigfoot real?” They take a look at stories throughout the years and try to determine how much credibility many of them carry.
Their highest hopes for their bigfoot hunt are laid on the table as Kane and Rett discuss what it is to believe.
This week on Duel of Taints, Kane and Rett discuss some of their favorite tunes and reminisce on bands and albums that inspired them to play in a metal band. They recall a song about a girl named Tiffany, and share another wonderful Monster Addict tale and discuss the song it inspired.
Look forward to a bonus episode of Duel of Taints coming soon.
While Awesome! Internet Radio was taking a minor hiatus the brothnerds were discussing the latest curiosities to pique their interests, including the summer sales on and steam.
The brothnerds also discover a new and, dare we say, BETTER! repeat BETTER way to watch Star Wars. Did you think it was even possible? Are you interested? Listen on to learn about the mysterious “Machete Order”.
And they close out with a discussion of the game no one seems to know about, “Tokyo Jungle”.
We know you missed us while we were away, so look forward to some fun bonus episodes coming from other Awesome! Internet Radio podcasts.
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We return from our short hiatus to find the guys joined by a very special guest, Lee Parra. Lee enlightens our hosts with his dazzling understanding of science and unique insights into Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Also Kane and Rett shed some light on their exploits as a band back when they were touring as The Monster Addict, and regale Lee with a funny story about a time they slept with their shoes on!
Its Duel of Taints! Episode 7!
You heard it first at Awesome! Internet Radio
We apologize to the great many inconvenienced by our late posting of this weeks episode of NDBrothers.
In this weeks edition the brothnerds discuss the epic Civilizations 5, Magic the Gathering, adventuring in the public matchmaking world of DOTA2, and the positive affects of video games.
Jason and Rett were unable to get together in person this week, so they used to skype to record. You can taste how easily distracted they can get… plus it was so late. they were absolutely tired after a long day of work AND school.